

FORT WORTH, TEXAS - July 13, 2022 - After a comprehensive evaluation conducted by Ethisphere, Elbit Systems of America (Elbit America) – a leader in innovative solutions for defense, commercial aviation, homeland security and medical diagnostic instrumentation markets – has again been recognized with an Ethics Inside® Certification (EIC). The company has received this honor each year since 2015.

Ethisphere is a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices. They analyzed Elbit America’s corporate governance systems and practices, ethics and compliance program, corporate citizenship and responsibility initiatives, leadership, reputation, and legal history. Elbit America’s latest certification is valid through December 2023.

“At Elbit America, we focus on doing the right thing, ensuring our day-to-day work is conducted ethically,” said Raanan Horowitz, president and CEO of the company. “The Ethics Inside® Certification validates our efforts and the commitment of all our team members to serve our customers, our employees, and our communities with honesty, integrity, and fairness.”

In addition to earning its sixth EIC recognition, Elbit America was named a World’s Most Ethical Company by Ethisphere earlier this year, the company’s fourth such designation since 2014.

“Elbit America’s leadership has shown an excellent understanding of their ethics and compliance needs and risks, and continues to work to operationalize everyday ethics,” Neal Thurston, Director, Data & Services, Ethisphere. “We congratulate the Elbit America team for working to evolve their program through improved training, constructing an ESG approach that has executive buy-in, and using data from its ethical culture and program evaluations to make the organization more nimble and responsive.”

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