
Elbit America celebrates the best of defense journalism at 2023 Defence Media Awards

Oct. 18, 2023

A team from Elbit America attended the 2023 Defence Media Awards Oct. 8, 2023 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. There, Elbit America representatives networked with current defense journalists and editors from the United States and abroad.

Elbit America sponsored one of the award categories – a new one this year – the Best Mobile Combat Systems category. There were six finalists for it. The winner was Ashley Roque of Breaking Defense. Roque was honored for her story, “Last stand for IVAS? New challenges, delays as Army debates future of augmented reality goggles.” 

The 2023 event is the largest Defence Media Awards in the program's five-year history in Washington, DC. Winners were selected by a panel of 10 seasoned professionals from communications, marketing, and journalism within the aerospace, defense, and aviation industries.

Here is the list of all of the finalists for the Elbit America-sponsored Best Mobile Combat Systems category and their stories:

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